Getting my Twitter game going

For most authors self promotion is part of the game. Twitter is currently one of the best vehicles for that, so as a recently-published author I’ve been trying to get my Twitter game up to speed. I’ve managed to triple my number of followers in the last month, so I think I might be starting to figure it out. For many of us, one of […]

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It’s real

It’s real

Around thirteen years ago I finished the first draft of The Whisper Garden. Tomorrow, February 28th, 2017 it will finally see the light of day. The release date has special meaning, because Tuesday is Mardi Gras and the novel’s climax happens on Mardi Gras. The Whisper Garden on Amazon

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Marie Laveau

Marie Laveau is a significant figure in The Whisper Garden, and is one of the most iconic figures in New Orleans history. However, for someone so notable, it is a amazing how little we actually know about her. We know she was born in 1794, or maybe 1801. We know she was a free woman of color, the child of two biracial parents. We know […]

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St Louis Cemetery #1 history

“To speak in broad, general terms, there is no architecture in New Orleans, except in the cemeteries.”–Mark Twain Most people who have heard anything about cemeteries in New Orleans have heard that New Orleans has above ground crypts because the high water tables make below ground burials impossible. The legend could best be summed up in the phrase, “you can’t keep a good man down.” […]

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St. Louis #2

A different picture of this tomb is featured on the tentative cover of The Whisper Garden, which is kind of funny, because the tomb is in St. Louis cemetery #2, and all of the cemetery scenes in the novel are in #1.

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St. Louis Cemetery #1

Much to my dismay, when I went to the cemetery today, I found it guarded: they are only letting people in if they are accompanied by a licensed tour guide. I thought about asking what it would take to get my license. Then I left in frustration. I love St Louis #1, it is one of my favorite places. I find it peaceful, and I […]

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